Civic design bibliography

A framework for supporting postsecondary learners with psychiatric disabilities in online enviornments

Why the article is helpful

  • Identifies categories of cognitive impairments and the specific impairments that lie within online learning
  • Supports the idea that accessible access is beneficial to all
  • Article focuses specifically on distance learning


Aims to raise awareness of the challenges faced by students with cognitive impairments who are learning in online environments. Current online learning interfaces can create confusion and anxiety for many students with psychiatric disabilities, a problem that is compounded for distance learners who are unable to access on-campus support. The article discussed the need for universal design in online learning environments and outlined a conceptual framework to be implemented. This included the need for flexible instruction that can accommodate a wide range of learners, which benefits all users and not just those with disabilities. Web 2.0 applications were recommended for use in online teaching and learning as they help meet the needs of varied learners.


Links to article


Grabinger, S. (2010). A framework for supporting postsecondary learners with psychiatric disabilities in online environments. Electronic Journal Of E-Learning, 8(2), 101-110.