Civic design bibliography

Emerging technologies and their impact on disability

Why the article is helpful

  • Positive and negative impacts of technology and health care on children with disabilities
  • As technology expands, so does the burden
  • Therapeutic technology and not adapting technology to those with disabilities


Although new technology could mean better efficiency for those who are able-bodied, it can also mean a widening of disparities for children with disabilities. The very definition of disability in a technology-driven world has been redefined due to technological changes. This article also stressed about healthcare and challenges while caring for disabled children and adults. The author suggested, adaptive systems had to be created to overcome these barriers by focusing on mostly therapeutic technology and not adapting technology to those with disabilities.


Links to article


Wise, P. H. (2012). Emerging technologies and their impact on disability. Future Of Children, 22(1), 169-191.