Civic design bibliography

Plight of the Poll Worker: Efforts to Improve Training and Support for Poll Workers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida, and Michigan

An explanation of current issues with poll worker recruitment and training.  The Election Assistance Committee (EAC) estimates that two million poll workers are needed to run a national election.  Many jurisdictions, particularly in urban areas, have difficulty recruiting an adequate number.  Additionally,  the introduction of new electronic voting systems and stricter voting policies has intensified the complexity of the role of the poll worker.

This brief summarizes problems experienced by poll workers in various recent elections and offers recommendations to improve poll worker recruitment and training.

Additional Details

The Advancement Project recommendations include to:

  • Open poll worker training sessions to the general public
  • Recruit through minority media outlets
  • Encourage schools to offer academic credit for students serving as poll workers
  • Include assessments in training sessions to verify that workers adequately understand their duties


Advancement Project. (2006). Plight of the Poll Worker: Efforts to Improve Training and Support for Poll Workers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Florida, and Michigan. (Issue Brief). Washington, D. C.