Civic design bibliography

Universal access in e-voting for the blind

Why the article is helpful

  • Today’s voting trends
  • E-voting systems have made attempts to include disabled voters but have failed to do so effectively
  • Proposed a multimodal approach to voting systems


With today’s current polling procedures, many disabled voters cannot vote without additional assistance. E-voting systems have made attempts to include disabled voters but have fallen short, especially with people who are blind or visually impaired. Using recent developments in technology a secure, user centered, multimodal electronic voting system has been developed to study a multimodal approach for providing equity in access, privacy and security in e-voting. The findings proposed a multimodal approach to voting systems that is easy to use and trustworthy for all populations to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction of the voter experience.


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Gilbert, J., McMillian, Y., Rouse, K., Williams, P., Rogers, G., McClendon, J., & Mitchell, W., Gupta, P. kpong-Ruffin, I., & Cross, E. (2010). Universal access in e-voting for the blind. Universal Access in The Information Society, 9(4), 357-365.